The follow up from Dakota Laden's side project is being released on Saturday. This time with the Project Fear crew.
Will you be watching?
#projectfear #youtube #paranormal #uap #ufo #njdrones #drones #paranormalhive
" Totally respect your opinions and professionalism. "
The follow up from Dakota Laden's side project is being released on Saturday. This time with the Project Fear crew.
Will you be watching?
#projectfear #youtube #paranormal #uap #ufo #njdrones #drones #paranormalhive
It's been very long time since I have read of an Alien Abduction but here we are.
No evidence of any claims here just odd experience of dreams going in to nightmares.
So did this actually get abducted? Sleep paralysis? The claims are very similar to past abduction cases not real evidence on those either but claims are claims, so is there unknown beings abducted humans? And are we going to be hearing more of cases happening?
There are more questions than answers ~ Stephen
#aliens #Abduction #uap #ufo #paranormal #paranormalhive #newyork #usa
It's been about a week and we are to believe what they say. The last administration stated there was nothing to be concerned about aswell, so this isn't new.
Are we to believe that it's taken this administration a week to solve the drones/uap?
Yes no doubt there were commercial and public used drones but I doubt all.
So for this "new" government being all transparent this sounds more of we can't be bothered and more cover ups .
Let us know your thoughts. ~ Stephen.
Very interesting video on UAP/UFO
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
This has to be my favorite film on UFO's , and watching it outside was pretty nice ~ Stephen R
If I said this is UFO would you believe me?
This isn't, it's a helicopter in the distance.
Not everything is what it seems in the paranormal field. So why does this look the way it does?
This down to auto settings and no tripod and full zoom. The phone is trying focus on the flashing lights which is focusing and unfocusing within seconds trying to make out an object.
Now with tripod and Manuel focus this type of image would be better.
If you are looking for some UAP/UFO reading
Check out the documents and videos in the link below. Let us know what you think, incident: 2014
#UAP #UFO #Brazil #Strange #Phenomena
Believe they solved it no. They just released what was going on The other administration knew but for some reason kept it quiet.