Yesterday we made a blog about a possible closing or a change of hosting.
Well today we changed how premium is paid out to keep the hosting . The key difference is we will pay monthly and not for the 3years or yearly, yes we will be paying more in the long run but we have to fit what is in budget for us.
We also noticed our domain was up for renewal, that's neither here or there. That's staying put.
So this year we are going to push hard to get things going to make it worth while.
New podcast
New videos
More blogs
We will be looking at new members for the group. There will be membership fee paid yearly or monthly this will be for cost of new equipment and running of the site. Each member will pay their fair share to investigate property that charges to investigate
We will be looking at guest authors for blog posts, this will be unpaid.
Our group is up on our website would love it if you joined and interacted with us on there.
The website has a limited space for photos and videos and these will have limited time before they are removed to create more space.
If you are paranormal investigator or author and want help us out with the blog drop us message.
Other stuff
If you are into UFO/UAP we highly recommend
UFOCurrents for all the latest news
If you looking for ITC software we recommend
Ghost Hunter Apps, no mobile phone apps at this time but they are being worked on.
Check out this short from ghosthunterapps featuring us.
Our latest video was filmed at private residence
Our podcast
The truth is out there somewhere
We will not charge anyone to investigate their property,