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Ghosts OF Shepherdstown TV Series

Welcome to Paranormal Express first blog, I hope it will be interesting and informative as well as appealing to everyone who is interested in the paranormal.

This first blog is about the TV series Ghosts of shepherdstown which airs on Destination America starring Nick Groff, Bill Hartley and Elizabeth Saint.

In this series they have been given access to the whole Town to investigate which in all accounts is very haunted. I have just finished watching every episode that has aired, what I can say is it's an interesting series. It has a mixture of other shows that have aired previously. It's like a cross between Ghost Mine and Paranormal State in the style it's done, but I would lean more to Ghost Mine to Paranormal State.

The series has it build up like any paranormal shows that are on TV, some slightly creepy music playing in the background and climaxing when there's something about to happen.

On Monday night I was going through YouTube when I came across a YouTuber named The Great Debate, now he seemed very passionate on paranormal shows especially Ghost Adventures, lets just say he was pissed, calling out Nick Groff as a fake and a fraud. Here is the video - I would like to point out he does swear.

I put this on our FaceBook page where I tagged Nick Groff and Elizabeth Saint, I don't take just one guys rant over anything. I would like to see it myself and give my own opinion on it but I thought this was unfair on Nick Groff and the rest of the crew.

I can see where this guy was coming from when he pans and shows a clip of what he wasn't happy about, a rocking chair moves on it's own and the camera's go dead and there is only sound and the investigators decided they would leave and check it out the following day. If it was me and our team we would have stayed and see what we could have found out and it seems looking at the comments below the video on YouTube that this guy wasn't the only one to have issues with this series in fact they were also calling out Elizabeth Saint, being an actress and this validating this guys rant, so I looked in to this and yes she is an actress but she is also a Paranormal Investigator and creates devices of her own to do with the paranormal. She also has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in Electrical Systems Technology, It's fair to say she knows what she is doing.

Not long after I posted this YouTube video I got a Private Message from one of the stars of the show none other than Elizabeth Saint, she wanted to thank us at Paranormal Express for what we wrote and wanted to point out that she doesn't want to hide anything from anyone and that she had spoken to the very guy in the video, here are a couple of quotes from that conversation I had with her.

Elizabeth Saint:

"I absolutely understand from an audience perspective. Actress + Paranormal Show doesn't really mix well haha, but I'm not trying to hide anything and always open to talk about the show"

So as you can see she isn't trying to hide her other work, here is her IMDb site ( it would of been sad if she would of taken all that information down for the sake of this show when she has a great background in different fields it's not like she is the only one who makes movies who also has passion for the paranormal and investigates it. So what did she have to say about this video? Well, she brought that up as well stating she messaged the guy and he eventually replied back and she answered any questions he had here is the direct quote from the message we received.

Elizabeth Saint:

"I talked to that guy last night who made the YouTube video... he finally messaged me. Went well and I answered all the questions he had. All I can hope is that people eventually see I'm really passionate about this field and I've been doing it a really long time."

There you have it. I think people need to find facts before jumping to conclusion, We at Paranormal Express want to be honest and upfront on what we do whether we investigate or write about a series or anything else, We haven't heard from Nick Groff and if we did I hope it would be as pleasant as the conversation with Elizabeth Saint, There was more to the whole conversation with her but I asked for permission to use these two quotes as I thought they were relevant.

Check out the series and make your own mind up on it, but what I can gather is that they are being as genuine as they possibly can. I'm sure no one wants to watch any boring bits, wouldn't be great viewing.

Give us your feed back on the series.

Photo's from Bing images and IMDb

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