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Two Face: The Grey, Phantom Rider.

Two Face: The Grey

Two Face: The Grey is a follow up to the infamous documentary movie Sir Noface by Chad Calek. This is probably one of most fascinating movies to watch and a great follow up to the first.

You may recognize Chad Calek from a couple of TV series one of which is Paranormal State, he doesn't hold anything back in Sir Noface grilling the paranormal team founder Craig Powell who caught the infamous apparition, even taken the video to Hollywood FX professional who has created CGI's for box office movies to see if he can recreate the image with surprising results.

Two Face The Grey takes this apparition to whole new level of crazy, behind scenes of events while promoting Sir Noface and mysterious tattooed man.

This is a well made movie that keeps you interested from the start, the only down side is the over use of motion tracking, it's a great tool but I felt it was used in shots that didn't need it.

We get to see some fascinating videos from the Craig Powell that happened to him and his family after the events of Sir Noface including Chad Calek.

The Tattooed guy from one of the events hands Chad a folder containing stuff that Chad does not want to get in to but ultimately is forced to look in to, UFO and Aliens was not something he wanted.

Chad Calek's use of stock footage and imagery as well as the sound track drives this movie forward.

The movie makes you question why did the Australian Government drop the investigation that they commissioned from the paranormal team right after confirming the evidence.

Phantom Rider

Phantom Rider is the third chapter one that questions what they caught and who doesn't want them to speak about the events of the first movie. This third chapter again keeps you interested with visuals from stock footage, editing and sound track. The well thougt out story telling and the bizarre events that happen to Craig Powell and Chad Calek, you end up asking yourself like Chad "who is Skyfall?".

No use of motion tracking in this one which was great as it was over used in the previous movie.

It seems like there maybe forth movie in the works and I have a feeling the name of that was revealed in the credits at the end, I could be wrong. It would be odd to put the name in if it had nothing to do with anything.

The paranormal will take you down one road of interest and in to something you wouldn't think you would go down, from Ghosts, Witchcraft to UFO's and Aliens.

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Stephen Rapsey.

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